Quantity | Cash/Check | Credit/Paypal |
Any Quantity | $17,110.00 | $17,794.40 |
Golden State Mint is extremely pleased to present this stunning Aztec Calendar 1 oz Silver Bar. This remarkably detailed design is an amazing representation of Aztec culture and history. This design was first released on 1 oz and 5 oz Aztec Calendar silver rounds, and now reformatted to display on this 1 oz bar. This will most certainly be a welcome addition to any collection!
The Aztec Calendar stone is one of the most incredibly well-preserved relics of the Aztec Empire. Generally considered to have been chiseled in the early 1500's, it's intricate design is actually much more than tribal artwork of the period. It is a highly structured accounting of the cycles of time as perceived by these ancients.
Although the Aztec Calendar stone is not the only such calendar to represent this interwoven combination of cycles, it certainly has been a primary focus of much advanced study. These critical studies of attempts to understand the relationship of each of the series of numbers and symbols are actually quite fascinating!
The size of the Calendar stone is quite massive, with a diameter of 12 feet, 3 feet thick, and weighing 24 tons. The stone was rediscovered in 1790, and publicly displayed upon Mexico Cathedral in 1850. Being intricately tied to Mexican history, the stone is now part of the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City.
Interested in seeing more? Check out our other 1 oz Silver Bars for a great selection.